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We can help you
There are three options the airline will offer you if the flight is canceled:

1. Refund the ticket cost for the part of the trip you are not allowed to use.

Offer alternative flights so that you arrive at your destination as soon as possible.

Offer an alternative flight at a later time according to your wishes, on similar terms as the original ticket.


You have the choice between demanding termination of the agreement or rerouting, regardless of the reason why the flight is canceled. The airline shall cover the expenses that result from the flight being canceled.

You are also entitled to financial compensation at standardized rates. You are entitled to this compensation in accordance with EC Regulation 261/2004 and regulations on air passenger rights, which are paid by the airline.


If you have had documented financial losses that are greater than the standardized compensation, you can also claim compensation for this. This assumes that the reason for the cancellation is within the airline's control. In addition, the financial loss incurred must be a probable consequence of the aircraft being canceled.


You are not entitled to compensation when the reason for the cancellation is extraordinary circumstances that could not have been avoided, even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Examples of this can be bad weather conditions that prevent air traffic, certain types of strikes or unforeseen security measures and pandemics.


In the event of illness or accident, you should contact your own insurance company. You can claim covered expenses that you have incurred as a result of this. If you have travel insurance, you are well insured against unforeseen expenses in the event of illness and accidents.

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